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Art Life 101
A series of posters celebrating all the artists who have a full time occupation making the world go round while building their art life!
Art Life 101
A series of posters celebrating all the artists who have a full time occupation making the world go round while building their art life! download the Ai files for subscribers learn vector art The Full Playlist on YouTube: I started my working life as a landscaper working in a family business. Day in and day out, pushing lawn mowers and cleaning up yards while eating burritos for lunch, burritos wrapped in foil that were warmed up on the engine of the work truck. Many of my jobs have been manual labor like when I worked at a steel company and then as a prep cook chopping up vegetables to support a catering kitchen that handled hundreds and hundreds of plates for special events. There were many days where I was too tired to think about art. I am a fan of comics, animation, cartoons and games and I knew I wanted to be one of those artists who works on projects that made something that the world could see. Every day I carried my backpack full of markers, sketchbooks and pencils because I believed art was my destiny and I wanted to be a full time artist, even if I didn't know how I was going to make that happen since I didn't understand the first part of building an art business. I was a forklift driver, I was a dishwasher, a cook, car detailer and even a ran a construction crew. Through all of it, Art kept calling! Enjoy the poster series, the goal is 101, keeping it basic to give a shout out to all artists who's side gig keeps the world turning. We believe in you and are saving a spot for you in the sketching table!
What occupations should I add to the list?
#DTMVERSUS Art Battles featuring your favorite artists, drawing live from a sketch to final drawing in one hour with #AdobeFresco #AdobePhotosho and #AdobeIllustrator
Download the Sketches and Wallpapers: Full Process on #Behance Project: Youtube full playlist: #Adobe #DrawDaily #DeltaTangoMike #ArtLifeAllDay #DTM #AdobeLive @AdobeLive #AdobeIllustrator #MaytheFourthbewithYou Star Wars Mashup!
STAR WARS Stream and Movie Night on Discord @OdariArt vs @DeltaTangoMike #MayMashupArtChalllenge May's Art Challenge is: - draw anything you want - any theme - any prompt - any artstyle - digital or traditional, any medium but you must mashup two different subjects/inspirations into one drawing. Thursday May 4th Stream 5:30 pm EST Discord and Chill 7 EST STREAMING LINKS: JOIN THE DISCORD FOR MOVIE NIGHT Sketching and Drawing Discord MERMAID WARRIOR #MayMashupArtChallenge #AztecaModernoMermay #Mermay TIME FOR THE MONTHLY ART CHALLENGE!!!! MAY is the month for #Mermay #StarWars #MayDay #CincoDeMayo, and countless other celebrations. May's Art Challenge is: - draw anything you want - any theme - any prompt - any art style - digital or traditional, any medium You must mashup two different subjects/inspirations into one drawing. ex: my drawing is a mashup of MerMay, Azteca Moderno, Chicano and Pencil Wars. TO DO: Pick any two subjects/inspirations draw something post here on this channel. WHY?! At the end of the month, I will share all entries on one of my livestreams and then give away some prizes at random. RANDOM! THE MORE TIMES YOU POST IN THE DISCORD CHANNEL, THE MORE TIMES YOUR NAME GOES ON THE GIVEAWAY!!! HOW WIN? ONE RANDOM WINNER FOR INTERNATIONAL ONE RANDOM WINNER FOR USA SEVERAL WINNERS BY WHAT I LIKE. WHO? Open to All Sketching and Drawing members. if you post on IG or Twitter, then use hashtag so I can like your posts: #MayMashupArtChalllenge #SDMonthlyChallenge JOIN THE DISCORD: Sketch To Vector I did the Sketch, Together We Vector! #SketchToVector DTM Sketch from Adobe Fresco to Vectors in Adobe Illustrator Check the schedule, Tune in and suggest a comic character or art style! YouTube Each session a new sketch from DTM will feature a different technique and pose. DTM will draw the character with Vector Brushes in Adobe Fresco and then export the drawing to Adobe Illustrator for finishing touches. All on the M1 iPad Pro 12.9 and Apple Pencil 2 TAKEAWAYS Sketching Styles Vector Drawing Techniques in Fresco Gradients and File Formatting in Adobe Illustrator DOWNLOAD THE SKETCH Download Sketch from DTM's Social or Behance Project @DeltaTangoMike CREATIVE STEPS Download Sketch Import to Fresco Tune in to livestream Follow along and VECTOR!!! SHARE AND TAG YOUR VECTOR DRAWING #SketchToVector #ArtistsandWeapons THE SKETCHESTHE VECTORS |
DTMEast LA Artist living it up in ATL Archives
December 2024