​Day 4 of 7 Day #DigitalChallenge continues with the big timer Cintiq 21UX by Wacom and the HP ProDesk lil machine with Windows 10
https://youtu.be/yJimb8nF2Rk I will be drawing on @SketchableApp Link to the channel here: www.youtube.com/c/Vectormaestros Subscribe and turn on notifications, you do not want to miss!!!! Day 1: https://youtu.be/Q6bkS-4pHF8 Day 2: https://youtu.be/AfWrHfsDhgg Day 3: https://youtu.be/8jsziRcWFfA Day 4: https://youtu.be/yJimb8nF2Rk I got this Cintiq a few years ago, used, from a company that had it sitting around in a closet for 10 years. There is a bit of dust in between the glass and the digitizer but the performance in the display is still the best of all the tablets and computers I have ever used. The 21 inch size allows for the full use of my arm, elbow and wrist to get super clean lines in my art. The Stylus is the right size for my hand and theres a rubbery grip that makes it easy to handle. I buy soft tips to replace the hard plastic tips that the stylus comes with, those soft tips gives me just enough friction to give me that paper and pencil feeling. The HP ProDesk is a new addition, its powered with 16GB of RAM, an i5 Processor and just enough Hard Disk space to house my current digital projects. Its a nice handy machine to give the Cintiq enough juice to produce good client artwork. Follow my work at @DeltaTangoMike Illustrator, designer, art biz coach and curator. behance.net/dacreativegenius instagram.com/deltatangomike Follow Vector Maestros instagram.com/vectormaestros Stay tuned, subscribe and turn on notifications because this week I will be drawing everyday with a different digital tool. A lot of times we think that we need better/pricier tools to create the art our talents deserve but the reality is we can create impactful art with very simple tools, even in the digital space including #SamsungNote10 #SamsungNote5 #DellVenue8 #SurfacePro4 #iPadAir2 #iPadPro #Cintiq21UX #HPprodesk And that means #Windows10 #Android #ios @sketchableapp #AdobeDraw #AdobeSketch #iLikeToDraw #ArtLifeAllDay #DTM #ATL #DigitalArtist #DrawDaily #CreatedWithSurface #MySurface #AztecaModerno #DailyIllustrations #YouTubeLive #Bamboo #Wacom #Adobe #Sketchable |
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December 2024